Captain's Log
25 January 2000

Approaching Hauraki Gulf

Conducted final set of sail handling drills yesterday afternoon. Ship then proceeded through tight passage appropriately named ‘Hole in the Wall’. Anchored in a lovely bay of Great Mercury Island late in the afternoon. Cook named island after viewing the transit of the planet Mercury from this area. Youth crew conducted their Command Day elections early in the evening and have elected a strong team.At 0800 I handed ‘Command’ to the youth crew of Voyage 02 2000. At 0900 we sailed from the anchorage in a seamanlike manner and proceeded to make ground towards Colville Channel working against a fresh northerly wind. We have conducted two tacks successfully. So far so good. Despite the youth crew chefs burning the taco shells and activating the fire alarm, lunch looks good.Expect to anchor in vicinity of America’s Cup course tomorrow morning and we will then have a special Australia Day sports day ashore on the beach. Should be fun. May also watch a bit of yacht racing.


36° 36' South / 175° 40'


Approaching Colville Channel to enter Hauraki Gulf, Course 060, Speed 6kts, wind 000/20kts, Temp 17, Cloudy